WS Industrial User Group
By purchasing a WS Company Package, companies can become partners of the Weihenstephan Standards Industrial User Group and actively help shape the Weihenstephan Standards. The Weihenstephan Standards were developed in close cooperation with the companies represented in the WS Industry User Group. At its annual meetings, the WS Industrial User Group makes ground-breaking decisions on the amendment and further development of the Weihenstephan Standards and facilitates an exchange of knowledge and experience on neutral ground.
As owner of a WS Company Package you have numerous advantages compared to a WS Personal Package:
Current partners
Currently, 101 companies from different industries and branches are represented in the WS Industry User Group.
Current partnerships in the area:
Become a partner
Would you like to become a partner of the Weihenstephaner Standards Industry User Group, receive all updates on an ongoing basis, and participate in the further development of WS?
Namespaces and prefixes
You use the Weihenstephan standards and don’t have your own prefix or namespace yet? Register your prefix and namespace here today for free.